Thursday, December 11, 2008

2 Top Affiliate Marketing Tips

Most affiliate marketers do not do the correct things on a consistent basis. Therefore when we look at affiliate marketing tips for making money this week we are not being realistic to the masses.

However if you're willing to follow two specific things you can start making money this week and every week thereafter as an affiliate marketer.

1. The first thing you should do is set up your own website or blog to promote your affiliate products with. I personally like blogs right now because they are so easy to work with.

Also search engines really love blogs, so you have an excellent chance of driving traffic much quicker with a blog then you might with a website. Of course it will take some skills to learn how to do this properly, but that is true no matter how you try to make money with affiliate marketing.

One thing you can do is monetize your blog with affiliate products that pay you an instant commissions. You can have money deposited in your PayPal account the same day that you put these products online.

There are many affiliate programs that offer instant commissions now as a way to build their own mailing list. Your reward is to be paid instantly which is great for cash flow.

Regardless of how you choose to monetize it is important that you don't use the affiliate website given to you by the merchant. Rather create your own website or blog and promote it.

2. The second important thing is that you actually get out and promote online. Building a website or blog and then letting it sit there without a lack of traffic is not going to make you any money. You can look at your traffic statistics provided by your website host and see right away whether you have enough traffic coming in to be profitable or not.

I can pretty much guarantee you right now that you do not have enough meaningful traffic coming in. This is why there is such a high failure rate in affiliate marketing.

Having a website of your own is not going to get the job done unless you learn how to promote it. If you want to make money this week you need visitors coming to your site and then you need them coming over and over.

The best strategy I can tell you right now is master one form of Internet marketing promotion and stick to it until you become a professional. How you choose to do your marketing is not as important as the fact that you become an expert and do it over and over consistently.

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